Case Studies 1
Tuesday, 5 March
Grand Ballroom C
Reducing the cost of drilling operations is an ever-present goal. In this session, we will hear from operations where tool redesign has helped cut down drilling costs. This session will also introduce approaches to reduce vibrations from both a data analytics perspective as well as through the use of new tools.
1030-1055 217681Footage Increase By 50% And Drilling Dynamics Optimized In The Challenging Colombian Foothills Thorough Re-design of a Hybrid Bit Using a Novel Polygon Mesh Computational Simulation and Laboratory Test
1055-1120 217667Case Study: Deep Insights From Downhole Sensing Unlocks Extended Bit Footage for Economic Drilling of Vibration Prone Abrasive Sandstones in Central USA
1120-1145 217675Improving Hole Cleaning By Using Distributed Damping Subs To Control Lateral Oscillations Of The Drill-string
1145-1210 217682Saving Pipe One Joint At A Time: The Use Of Welded Wear Bands To Protect Drill Pipe Tubes In Abrasive Formations
Alternate 217952Drilling Evolution in the Top Section Offshore Arabian Gulf