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 International Drilling Conference and Exhibition 2023  SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition
  4-6 March 2025 | Forum Expo, Stavanger, Norway


CCS Systems and Well Integrity: Delving into the Aspects of Wells in CCS Applications

Wednesday, 6 March
Grand Ballroom C
The oil and gas industry is in the phase of energy transition to reduce carbon footprint and other greenhouse gas emissions. This session discusses the latest development in wells aspects of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems, including well control and well integrity issues in CCS wells, and the repurposing of existing oil and gas wells for CCS applications.
Ruggero Trevisan - Altus Well Experts Inc.
Yuanhang Chen - Louisiana State University
  • 1600-1625 217738
    Prioritizing Wells for Repurposing or Permanent Abandonment Based on Generalized Well Integrity Risk Analysis
    D. Zheng, C. Turhan, The University of Texas at Austin; N. Wang, University of Texas at Austin; P. Ashok, E. van Oort, The University of Texas At Austin
  • 1625-1650 217726
    An Innovative And Tailor Made Stress Testing Workflow For CCS Formations
    T.B. Wydiabhakti, A. Kumar, V.S. Lopes, C. Chatar, SLB
  • 1650-1715 217732
    Development Of A Fit-for-Purpose Co2 Injection Model For Casing And Tubing Design
    C. McMillan, N. Buksh, Harbour Energy; A. McSpadden, R. Trevisan, J. Howard, Altus Well Experts Inc.
  • 1715-1740 217711
    CCS Well Control - Impact Of Co2 On Drilling Fluid Performance
    J. Skogestad, B. Feneuil, E. N'Gouamba, H. Linga, SINTEF Industry; A. Aasen, SINTEF Energy; G. Skår, Equinor; S.M. Roggeband, Shell Global Solutions International B.V.; J. Nedrum, Wild Well Control, Inc.; S. Helgeland, eDrilling
  • Alternate 217934
    Raising the Bar: Why an Industrial Standard for Testing Hydraulic Sealability of Well Abandonment Materials in Laboratory is Essential for Well Integrity
    R. Skorpa, N. Opedal, SINTEF; M. Khalifeh, P. Moreira, University of Stavanger