Maximizing the Value of Our Data: Through Breaking Barriers
Tuesday, 5 March
Grand Ballroom B
In this session we consider how to extract value from data instead of letting it just accumulate in our databases. Rather than leaving data analytics as a standalone, by integrating it into the Engineering domain the gained actionable insights become real, applicable, and valuable. We look at the challenges of sharing data across multiple domains, the challenges and critical importance of understanding data relationships, plus where and how different data is sourced. Finishing with a demonstration of the integration of these multiple data streams using Large Language Models.
1030-1055 217665Well Construction In The Era Of Big Data: It’s Not Data Analytics, It’s Engineering With Data
1055-1120 217669Blind Trust: Challenges In Data Sharing For Oil And Gas Well Construction
1120-1145 217668The Role Of Semantic Networks In Mitigating Risk During Data Exchange In Multi-discplinary Well Construction
1145-1210 217671Enhancing Information Retrieval in the Drilling Domain: Zero-Shot Learning with Large Language Models for Question-Answering
Alternate 217957Applying Artificial Intelligence To Optimize Engine Power Demand