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New Advancements in Drilling Applications Using AI and Data Science

Thursday, 7 March
Grand Ballroom B
Discover the intersection of Data Science and AI with drilling in this dynamic session. Delve into state-of-the-art techniques, from AI-driven offset analysis to video forensics. Experience the data science at the edge, and the transformative power of deep reinforcement learning for drilling optimization. Join us to witness the future fusion of technology and traditional methods.
Deep Joshi - Quantum Capital Group
Mohammadreza Kamyab - CORVA
  • 0800-0825 217720
    New Techniques for Intelligent Offset Data Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
    P. Sheth, C. Chatar, SLB
  • 0825-0850 217722
    A Platform for Data Science and Analytics at the Edge
    A. Godumagadda, A. Groh, E. Corne, P. Kasireddy, Patterson-UTI Drilling Company
  • 0850-0915 217743
    Drill Bit Forensics Using Videos Captured on Mobile Phones
    J. Chu, P. Ashok, D. Chen, E. van Oort, The University of Texas At Austin
  • 0915-0940 217733
    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Drilling Optimization Using an Integrated Reward Function
    X. Huang, T. Luu, T. Furlong, Baker Hughes; J. Bomidi, HCC (Baker Hughes)
  • Alternate 217949
    Use of Operational Standard Practices to Generate Standardized Digital Well Programs and Work Instructions in Program Builder and Rig Site Execution Delivers More Competitive Wells
    J. Jallorina, E. Ogbunamiri, D. Zimpfer, Shell plc; C. Sorensen, J. Myre, Stimline
  • Alternate 217962
    Supervised Machine Learning Applied to Cement Integrity Assessment - A Comparison Between Models and Feature Extraction Techniques.
    G.R. Ferreira, I. Camerini, A. Rodrigues, T. Correia, L. Souza, J. Hidalgo, J. Penatti, ouronova; L. Soares, Repsol Sinopec Brasil