Wellbore Surveying: Novel Techniques Driving Efficiency
Thursday, 7 March
Grand Ballroom A
This well placement focused session presents examples where new techniques and technologies have been applied to reduce costs and increase efficiency. This includes examples where traditional techniques have been challenged, and replaced with smarter approaches. The benefits have been tangible – reduced costs, increased efficiency and opening doors for maximizing the future benefits of drilling automation.
0800-0825 217734Achieving ISCWSA MWD+IFR1 Tool Codes Without Airborne Magnetic Surveys
0825-0850 217709Innovative Drilling Strategy for Horizontal Wells In Triple Splitter Wellhead Arrangement: A Case Study From Rubiales Field in Colombia
0850-0915 217707Facilitating Directional Drilling Work to Reach the Target Entry by Calculating a Safe Operating Envelope
0915-0940 217702First SAGD Well Placement Using Non-stationary Definitive Dynamic Surveys Passive Magnetic Ranging and Gyro While Drilling
Alternate 217959Establishing a Validation Process for Survey Correction Algorithms