Cementing & Zonal Isolation II
Tuesday, 4 March
Room 3
Technical Session
This session highlights the applicability, suitability, deployment and effectiveness of novel zonal isolation systems, including glass-based fluids, granite-based geopolymers, resin-based materials and bismuth-tin alloys.
0345-0410 223669Assessing A Novel Glass-based Fluid For Annular Barrier Remediation In Cemented Well Sections
0410-0435 223666Qualification Of Two-part Granite-based Geopolymers for Field Testing
0435-0500 223664Evaluating the Performance of a Cost-effective Creep Testing Setup on Bismuth-tin Alloy Specimens: Challenges and Future Directions
0500-0525 223673Sealing and Durability Evaluation of Microannulus Treatment With A Resin-Based Material: Permeability and Tracer Measurements in a Full-scale Test Section
Alternate 223670Novel Spacer Technology Improves Well Integrity in Complex Cementing Scenarios in the North Sea
Alternate 223667Experimental Investigation of Penetration and Plugging Performance of Cement Blends Used for Squeeze Cementing in Sub 150 Micron Gaps