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Cementing  & Zonal Isolation III

Wednesday, 5 March
Room 3
Technical Session
This session focuses on the evaluation of a range of zonal isolation methods and techniques, including the effectiveness of gas-tight cementing valves, bond quality and corrosion, high-magnesium brine resistance, and the variation of the long-term thermal conductivity of cement systems as a function of differing environmental conditions and additives.
Jim McNicol - Archer
  • 0830-0855 223660
    Assessment of High-Magnesium Brine Resistance in Various Well Barrier Systems
    M. Binns, C. Johnson, S. Ficetti, SLB
  • 0855-0920 223658
    Gas Tight Cementing Valves and Casing Annular Packer Prove Successful in Achieving Multiple Isolation Objectives Across a 10,200ft Interval in a Single Trip
    B. Hrabovsky, Archer-The Well Company; F. Zapata Bermudez, Archer; J. Bamber, Bamberenergy
  • 0920-0945 223657
    Evaluation of Cemented Casing Test Cells with an Ultrasonic Phased Array Transducer for Cement Bond and Corrosion Logging
    O. Guedes, R. Van Os, I. Titton, Z. Li, H. Hori, G. Ishberdina, K. Singh, SLB; D. Gardner, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS; P. Simensen, NORCE Norwegian Research Center AS
  • 0945-1010 223663
    Long-term Evaluation of the Thermal Conductivity of Class H and G cement Under Various Additives, Temperatures, and Curing Conditions
    K. Abid, A. Baena, C. Teodoriu, University of Oklahoma
  • Alternate 223690
    Laboratory Setups for Evaluation of Annulus Barrier Materials
    N. Opedal, E. Ngouamba, B. Feneuil, E. Wiggen, R. Skorpa, M. Taghipour Khadrbeik, SINTEF
  • Alternate 223685
    Geopolymer-based Hardening Spacer Fluid to Enhance Well Integrity
    P. Khalili, M. Khalifeh, University of Stavanger; L. Delabroy, Aker BP ASA