Directional Drilling 1
Tuesday, 4 March
Room 2
Technical Session
This session covers the latest directional drilling digital and automation technologies. These steerable systems integrate advancements in drilling rig systems with developments in analytics and artificial intelligence to extend performance in drilling operations in a context ranging from the laboratory to field deployments.
0130-0155 223652Improving Rotary Steerable Curve Performance through Automated Analytics and Advanced Modeling
0155-0220 223656Dual Approach in Autonomous Directional Drilling: Innovations With Drillbotics 1.5 Inch Automated RSS and Virtual Rig Platforms
0220-0245 223649AI Solution Provides the Most Autonomous Framework of Directional Well Sections in High-DLS Well Plans
0245-0310 223824Autonomous Drilling Platform - An Enabler for Automated Steering Control and Remote Operations in the Permian
Alternate 223822A Downhole Closed-loop Method For Wellbore Trajectory Control Based on Azimuthal Logging While Drilling Data
Alternate 223821A Multi-faceted Approach For Mitigating High Frequency Torsional Oscillation Vibration For Motorized Rotary Steerable System Bottom Hole Assemblies